What is Hell?


    Underground site inhabited by the dead.
    For Christians, the place where sinful souls find themselves after death, subjected to eternal punishment.

What does the word hell (Hades) mean?

The origin of the term hell (Hades) is Latin: infernum, which means "the depths" or the "underworld". It originates from the pre-Christian Latin word inferus "low places", infernus.

What does it mean to go to Hell?

Jesus warns the disciples three times in the text: "It is better for you to enter into the kingdom-life of God - crippled, lame and blind - than to go to hell" (Mark 9:43, 45, 47). To each warning Jesus also adds something about hell: "to the unquenchable fire" followed by another qualifier: "where their worm does not die".

What is Hades in the Bible?

Greek "hades"
When the Jews translated the Hebrew Bible into the Greek Koine (common), known as the Septuagint (symbol LXX), they used the Greek term Hades common in Greek mythology 61 times to refer to the kingdom of the dead, but there is no evidence that share all the mythological conceptions about Hades, mainly its personification in the god Hades.

Following the tradition of the Septuagint (LXX), Christians, in producing the so-called Greek New Testament, used the word Hades to refer to the underworld of the dead, especially when they quoted the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament to translate the word Sheol. Like Jews, Christians borrowed only the general meaning of Hades as the world of the dead, but there is no evidence in the New Testament or early Christians that they used the word with the same Greek mythological idea.

What is the idea of Hell?

It is an epic poem full of symbolism and allegories. It is a poem narrated in first person, where Dante himself narrates, but he is also the central character of the work. He describes his trajectory through hell, purgatory and paradise. There are 100 songs with 140 verses each.

What is written at the entrance to Hell?

"O you who enter, abandon all hope. "Written on the DOOR OF INFERNO" Divine Comedy "by Dante Alighieri.

What is Malebolge?

In Dante Alighieri's Inferno, part of the Divine Comedy, Malebolge is the eighth circle of Hell. Roughly translated from Italian, Malebolge means "ditches of evil". Malebolge is a large funnel-shaped cave, divided into ten concentric circular ditches or ditches.

What does Sheol mean in the Bible?

The main Hebrew word used to refer to the world of the dead is Sheol. The origin of the term Sheol is uncertain and all attempts to do so have been frustrated or doubtful. Biblical scholar Eugene H. Merrill claims that the Sumerian and Akkadian languages attest to šu'āru or the alternative term šu'âlû, but most scholars reject any relationship between these words and Sheol.

The Hebrew Bible uses the term Sheol (65 times) to refer to the underworld of the dead portrayed as a deep, dark abyss. In the Bible the term is strictly related to the abyss and the grave. "According to the thinking of the ancient Israelites, a dark and silent abyss located in the depths of the earth, where all people went after they died."

Sheol is the preferred term of poetic texts, since except for eight passages in the OT, all the others occur in poetic texts. Sheol is the grave or abode of all the dead without distinction. In many instances of the word it is not a desirable place to go, except when it is preferable to great suffering here in the land of the living. But the teaching that it was a place of fire and torment for the wicked is completely absent as in the current idea of hell.

However, Jesus in Luke 16:19-30 makes a distinction. Hades is the torment place where the wicked, unbeliever goes to (the rich man for I am in anguish in this flame). The poor Lazarus goes after his death to paradise, the place where father Abraham is. No one can cross the great chasm between Hades and paradise.

What are the names given to hell?

Abyss, darkness, fifths, winter, barbaric, tartar, erre, stige, orc, geena, deep ...
torment, suffering, torment, torture, martyrdom, ordeal, unrest, anguish, tightness, tribulation ...
disorder, confusion, chaos, turmoil, turmoil, turmoil, anarchy, hell. Sheol, Hades, Hell, the lake of fire, tatar.

What does the word Tartar mean?

It is a damp well, cold and unfortunately immersed in the darkest darkness. While, according to Greek mythology, the Underworld (Erebus, kingdom of Hades) is the place where the dead went, Tartarus had several residents. ... Tartarus is also the place where crime finds its punishment.