What is Humility?


  1. Humble quality.
  2. Virtue characterized by an awareness of one's limitations; modesty, simplicity.

What does the Bible say about humility?

  1. Humility means subordinating, but not crawling
    Humility and submission go hand in hand. God's word says that we, as Christians, must submit to one another in humility. "Likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exalt you." 1 Peter 5:5-6.

    By subordinating ourselves and "dressing in humility" we can create peace and unity with others. We should not be so proud and high that we cannot be rebuked or warned. Nor should we have the mentality that our own opinions and thoughts are always better than others. Thinking like this does not lead us to progress or unity in Christ.

    Being submissive and humble does not in any way mean that we should bow to other people. Paul was very clear when he said that we are to serve God and God alone. "You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.!" 1 Cor 7:23. He also writes, "Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ." Gal 1:10.
  2. Humility does not mean that we are silent or passive people
    "Let not yours be the outward adorning with braiding of hair, decoration of gold, and wearing of fine clothing, 4 but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4. God wants Christians to have a meek and peaceful spirit. It is extremely important that we are humble and calm, in our inner man, so that we can hear the Spirit of God speaking to our hearts throughout the day.

    Having a meek and calm spirit does not mean that we must be passive people. God also requires action and zeal in our lives. Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force. (Matthew 11.12) Anyone who wants a deeper life in Christ realizes that he needs to be zealous and humble in his inner man. Sin cannot be allowed to prevail in the heart of a disciple! If we are humble in our inner man, with the desire to do God's will, we will do everything to keep our hearts and minds pure. Paul writes:"Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord!" Rom. 12:11.
  3. Humility is the key to progress
    "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind. - Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you." James 4:6-8, 10. God works according to the laws. It is a law of nature that, if we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and surrender our will and honor, it will give us the grace we need to live a Christian life, in truth, and to exalt us in due time.

    To be humble is to have the same mentality as Jesus Christ. He had the likeness of God, but he did not consider equality with God to be something he should hold on to. Instead, He assumed the position of a slave and came in the likeness of men. "To be humble is to have the same mentality as Jesus Christ. He had the likeness of God, but he did not consider equality with God to be something he should hold on to. Instead, he assumed the position of a slave and came in the likeness of men." Phlip. 2:7-8.

    Jesus is the greatest example of humility. He did not value his own reputation or honor, but offered it voluntarily in any situation, so that God's will can be done and God can be glorified through his life.

What does it mean to wash your feet?

After washing all the disciples' feet, Jesus took His garments and sat down again at the table and it was time to explain to the disciples the meaning of His gesture, then Jesus explained: Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Master and Lord, and you say it well, because I am. Now if I, Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must also wash one another's feet (John 13:12-14).

It was a lesson in humility, changing in kids, Jesus being the greatest among them played the most humble servant, as a way of teaching all of them, how they should proceed with each other. In another passage, Jesus had already said: It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave (Matthew 20:26,27).

This is the inverse logic of the Kingdom of God: whoever wants to be the greatest, be the least servant and also said that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, but as the disciples only learned by example, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples.

Many think that Jesus came for a walk to this world, so they imagine Him as a hippie, revolutionary, prophet, or as someone who came to preach love and failed, since the world has always been in wars, conflicts and even within the formal churches, love passes away from many good people.

Jesus is the Son of God, He is God and His mission could never be frustrated. He came to rescue many of his sins, He came to save everyone who believes in Him, Jesus is the Savior God. To be saved by Him? Just believe that He is God, that God raised Him from the dead and He is alive forever and confess it with your lips.

What are the characteristics of a humble person?

Humility is the quality of those who act with simplicity, a characteristic of people who know how to assume their responsibilities, without arrogance, arrogance or pride.

In theory, humility is seen as a very positive and beneficial quality, where no one is worse or better than the others, all being on the same level of dignity, warmth, respect, simplicity and honesty.

What is the importance of being a humble person?

Humility is an extremely important feeling, because it makes a person recognize his own limitations, with modesty and lack of pride.

What is the value of humility?

It makes the person have more modesty, sympathy and accessibility with other people or situations.

What to do to be a humble person?

It is difficult to be humble, says an old country song, when you are perfect in every way. Of course, few people think they are perfect in everything. But it can still be quite difficult to be humble, especially if you live in a society that encourages competition and individuality. Yet, even in such a culture, humility remains an important virtue. Learning to be humble is of paramount importance in most spiritual traditions. Above all, humility can help you develop more complete and wealthy relationships with others.

  1. Admit that you are no better at everything - or at anything. Regardless of how talented you are, there will always be someone better in some way. Look at these people better and see how you can improve certain attributes of yours.
  2. Acknowledge your own faults. We judge others because it is so much easier to do that than we judge ourselves. Unfortunately, this is completely unproductive and, in many cases, harmful. Judging others can damage relationships and prevent new bonds from forming. Perhaps worse: it prevents us from trying to improve.
  3. Be grateful for what you have. Suppose you graduated as the best student in your class or entered the Ivy League. You definitely deserve a lot of credit for so many hours of study and your perseverance. Consider, however, that there is someone as smart and hardworking as you who has less caring parents, who has grown up in a different place, or who has made a wrong choice at some point in life. You could be in such a person's shoes.
  4. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Part of being humble is understanding that you will make mistakes. Understand this and understand that everyone makes mistakes - a very heavy burden will come off your shoulders. Anyone knows only small fragments and pieces of tremendous knowledge, which has accumulated in the past.
  5. When making mistakes, admit them. Not being afraid to make mistakes is already a good thing; it is even better, however, to admit any mistake you have made. Regardless of whether you have made a mistake as a boss, father or friend, people will enjoy seeing you admit that you are not perfect and that you are working hard to improve and remedy what you did wrong. Admitting mistakes shows that you are not selfish, stubborn or unwilling to not look perfect.
  6. Avoid bragging. Do not talk about how amazing your achievements are: if you were really that good, other people would recognize your efforts and praise you for them. Do not talk about your incredible promotion, the unbelievable painting you just finished, or the wonderful feeling of having finished a marathon. Sure, these things are incredible, but bragging about them will only make you seem self-centered and will make a lot less impression on people. People are impressed when they DISCOVER you are amazing.

How to work humility in early childhood education?

How to teach children to be humble: Humility is a value that has been overlooked lately. It is necessary for the relationship between people and also for self-confidence. All parents want their children to be happy, to have self-esteem and confidence in their abilities, and to achieve this, they need to teach them humility to ensure all of this.

Being humble allows you to be friendly to the people around you, you are able to listen to others, you learn to put other people ahead of yourself. Teaching children to be humble at an early age will allow them to take advantage of their natural humility and not forget it along the way.

  1. Be your best example
  2. Help others
  3. Play games to understand better
  4. Value all people
  5. Ask for forgiveness for your mistakes
  6. Set appropriate goals (Lies or pitfalls are not accepted for working humbly).

What to do with arrogant children?

[The arrogant] does not want to listen to others, learn something he does not know or feel at the same level as his neighbor. They are synonymous, excessive pride, pride, haughtiness, excess of vanity for knowledge itself or success.

  1. Help him develop empathy for the needs of others
  2. Be prudent when praising him
    Your child can become arrogant if you put him on a pedestal because he has talent, physical beauty or a high IQ. Be wise when praising him. Never compare it to other children. The tendency is for him to distance himself from them or to treat them poorly, thinking they are inferior to him.
  3. Show him what really matters
    Make him understand that it is not the material goods, the beauty, the talents, nor the popularity that will make him a better person. Show him that your greatest treasures are your family, your good works, your integrity. Tell him that many people steal, cheat, cheat and participate in other scams motivated by greed and to obtain status.
  4. Avoid giving everything he wants
    Never let your child think that he can have everything he wants, whenever he wants. If you responds promptly to all of his wishes, you are encouraging him to be consumerist and self-centered. On the day when you cannot give him what he asks for, he can do terrible things to show his anger or to try to get what he wants so badly.
  5. Give him responsibilities
    Get him to help with the housework. Also, give him some paid work (which is not related to his day-to-day obligations). He needs to feel in his skin that making money is not easy. This will help him to better understand the concepts of work and sacrifice.
  6. Help him develop gratitude
    Remind him that without his sacrifice, that of his spouse, that of his grandparents, his collaborators or anyone else who has contributed directly and indirectly so that he could have the life he has, he would not be in that privileged situation. Encourage him to express his gratitude to these people.

God bless you!