Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Nehemiah

Nehemiah 6:3

Nehemiah 6:3

Naturally, Nehemiah suspected the evil intentions of the invitation and did not allow himself to fall into this trap.

  • It can be deduced that the work of God, be it the construction of a wall, the construction of a Christian congregation or the evangelization of pagans, must take priority over all other occupations that could require our attention. For us, it is the most important thing in the world:
  1. Because God commanded.
  2. Because the Bible authorizes.
  3. Because we received a special call to do it.
  • So it was with Nehemiah, and so it should be with all men who feel the call of God. Why would this work cease while I left it and you went along?

Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah 8:10

The beautiful words of chapter 10: why the joy of the Lord is our strength, have been used as the basis for many sermons. In fact, the Christian life would be a melancholy routine, if it weren't for the sources of joy that always and, in a short time, cool the soul (Isaiah 41:18; John 4:14). Here are 4 secrets based on the Christian life:

  1. The joy based on forgiveness.
  2. The joy that can be cultivated in the midst of affliction.
  3. The joy that depends on obedience to God and not on a successful Christian service.
  4. The joy that does not depend on circumstances.

God is faithful, who will not let you try beyond what you can (1 Cor 10:13).

Nehemiah 13:14

Nehemiah 13:14

Because Nehemiah was a good leader, he chose trusted men as treasurers (see Nehemiah 13:13). No matter how much a person may be gifted, if he is not faithful, God cannot use him.

We need to understand that God tests faithfulness. It is not enough to say: "Oh, yes, I am faithful", because God will say: "Well, show it to Me". Do you know how God tests our faithfulness? He gives us a job to do for a while, something we do not want to do, something that is not fun, something that may require us to submit to someone else's authority for a while, and He will speak to our hearts: "Just be faithful".

Fidelity is not just present every day; is to be present every day with good posture and excellence. God will reward that kind of faithfulness. Luke 16:12 tells us that if we are not faithful in the things that belong to others, we cannot receive what is ours. If you are being tested in the area of ​​loyalty, be steadfast in your decision to be faithful and reliable. In the end, you will be happy to have done this.