Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 1:1-2

1 Timothy 1:1-2

The two epistles to Timothy and the epistle to Titus are called pastoral epistles. This is because they differ considerably from the other writings attributed to Paul in two points:

  1. The recipients are people and the style presented is predominantly pastoral. Most of Paul's letters are addressed to churches. And the Pastoral letters are addressed to leaders, that is, people who are ministers.
  2. The central theme of the letters is what has come to be called "the healing of souls", since this was the ministry being carried out in Ephesus and Crete by respectively Timothy and Titus.

This letter is relevant to all of us, but it is especially useful for leaders and ministers because it includes instructions on how to guide God's people and how to deal with the problems of the church.

In 1 Timothy, Paul emphasizes the importance of praying for people, especially those in positions of authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

Also in 1 Timothy, we find the qualifications and characteristics needed for church leaders (1 Timothy 3), instructions on proper behavior in worship, how to deal with doctrinal errors, and how to care for widows, elders, and people in positions of authority.

We are very motivated to continue our journey of studying the book of Timothy. We will learn valuable lessons for our lives. So, I want to encourage you as Paul did with Timothy: "…pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith ..." (1 Timothy 6:11-12).

1 Timothy 1:3

1 Timothy 1:3

REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE is, according to the violent translation, Paul’s admonition to Timothy: WHEN I LEFT FOR MACEDONIA, I ASKED YOU TO REMAIN IN EPHESUS.

Paul felt urgently drawn to go to Macedonia, and Timothy was eager to accompany him. It would have been easy to take him, for Timothy was the apostle’s most capable helper on many of these trips. But other and more urgent matters had to take precedence. Timothy’s leadership and direction were needed in Ephesus, AND DUTY MUST TAKE PRECEDENCE FROM PERSONAL PREFERENCES.

There are many times in life when it is much easier to change than to remain in a difficult situation. The instinct to flee from onerous responsibility, to run away when things get tough, is a reality in all of us and must be resisted with firm determination. The easy way out, the line of least resistance, the tendency to go with the flow rather than face it with courage and determination—these alternatives sometimes become bitter temptations. To slip away from an irritating situation, to start over somewhere else where the grass is greener and the prospects more inviting, is a course of action in which the tempter (Satan) can disguise himself so completely that it seems to us that it is God's will. But when God says, REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE, it is cowardly and sinful to abandon responsibility for something that seems more attractive. Of course, sometimes God's word is GO. In any case, we must be sure that our course of action is immediate obedience.

1 Timothy 1:12-13

1 Timothy 1:12-13

All disobedience is sin and is the root of unhappiness. Our sin and disobedience grieve the Holy Spirit, especially when we know that the way we behave goes against God's commands.

There are times in our lives when we disobey God, but we do so out of ignorance. The apostle Paul is an example of a person who did not know that he was disobeying God before his conversion to Christ. Paul persecuted Christians out of zeal and thought he was doing God a favor. He was a very religious man who sincerely believed that Christians were evil. The Lord confronted him and Paul immediately converted to Christ and was baptized (see Acts 9:1-22). He wrote in 1 Timothy 1:13 that he received God's mercy because he acted out of ignorance and unbelief. Notice that he says that God poured out overflowing grace on him, the chief of sinners, and that he received God's mercy so that Jesus Christ could be seen in him as an example for those who believe.

All our sin, whether conscious or unconscious, must be dealt with at the cross of Jesus Christ. Indeed, we are the objects of great compassion when we sin unintentionally, and we remain in need of God's mercy at all times. Anyone who wants to live a life filled with the peace and joy of God's grace must be obedient to God.

1 Timothy 1:15

1 Timothy 1:15

Nowadays we see people saying: "Look at him! He used to do all sorts of bad things and now he is a believer?!" Today's text brings up exactly this theme: JESUS ​​CAME TO SAVE SINNERS! In this chapter, the apostle Paul speaks of his life before his conversion and the way he acted, such was the sin that the apostle remembers with shame and regret. Like the apostle Paul, many brothers tell their testimonies of conversion not to boast about their sinful past, but to magnify the grace of God, which is much greater than the abundant sin of times past.

But the good news is that, despite the magnitude of our human sin, God's grace is more than sufficient, and everyone who turns to Christ obtains mercy.

CHRIST CAME TO SAVE THE WORLD. This is the purpose of Jesus' coming to earth. The apostle makes it clear that this statement about our Lord's exclusive place in the history of salvation is completely trustworthy.

Christ's concern is for the salvation of sinners. We are reminded of Jesus' own statement: "I came to call sinners to repentance" (Matthew 9:13). Along with another statement made on the eve of His suffering: "For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost" (Luke 19:10).

1 Timothy 2:1

1 Timothy 2:1

We do not learn to pray by talking about prayer, but by praying.

Prayer is heavy warfare! God has promised us unlimited blessings in His Word if we pray!

Because our daily action only has eternal content as we pray - Win Malgo

God bless you! Let us move forward PRAYING! God is Faithful!

1 Timothy 2:1

1 Timothy 2:1

When the apostle Paul exhorts us in 1 Timothy 2:1 to make "supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings" on behalf of all people, he meant that we should pray for all people everywhere. To intercede for someone is to pray for them and plead their case before the throne of God.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are our examples; they intercede for us. Hebrews 7:25 speaks of Christ when it says, "… he always lives to intercede for them". In Romans 8:27, Paul teaches that "… the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God".

Intercession is one of the most important ways in which we carry out the ministry of Jesus Christ. Obey the instruction in 1 Timothy 2:1 and pray for others often. God will guide you as you intercede, and blessing will be the fruit of your prayers.

1 Timothy 2:2

1 Timothy 2:2

PRAYING FOR KINGS AND IN HIGH POSITIONS - We must understand that the allusion is to the civil rulers of the ancient world at all levels of authority. When we remember that at the time Paul wrote, the rulers were for the most part enemies of the Christian faith, and that within a decade the apostle would lose his life under their orders, this exhortation to prayer becomes a splendid example of Christian magnanimity.
The first reason for such prayer is that kings and all those in authority are also men — men for whom Christ died — and who are within the purview of the gospel. But the second reason for such prayer is vaguely indicated by the words: THAT WE MAY LEAD A QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE, GODLY AND RESPECTFUL IN EVERY WAY. Praying earnestly for those in authority placed in God's hands the means to ward off evil and misguided purposes from those who had positional authority to harm the church of Christ.

It is indeed difficult to overestimate the power of the united prayer of the church. There is no Bible-taught Christian who disputes the efficacy of credulous prayer concerning public events and their overseers. More things are accomplished by this means than this world supposes. The supplication of faithful intercessors for the public welfare puts invisible restraints on the powers of darkness and their tools, and will give strength to honest rulers from the Ruler among the nations (Psa. 22:28).

And the reason for such prayers is found in the very next verse (vs. 3-4). THIS IS GOOD, AND IT IS ACCEPTABLE IN THE SIGHT OF GOD OUR SAVIOR, WHO DESIRES ALL MEN TO BE SAVED AND TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. This is God's universal desire for mankind.

1 Timothy 4:12

1 Timothy 4:12
  • Do you remember when you turned 16? And when did you turn 21? In many cultures, reaching a certain age has a special meaning, and these times often bring greater privileges and responsibilities. In the Christian life, however, your age is not as important as your conduct. No matter how young you are, you have been called to live a life that sets an example —in speech, behavior, faith, and purity— to other believers.

1 Timothy 6:12

1 Timothy 6:12


It is not always easy to live in faith, the Bible says it is a fight.

James 4:7 says: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
When you resist doubt, you resist the devil.

Faith will work in your heart even with doubts in your head.
Mark 11:23 says "... and does not doubt in his heart ..."

If you embrace fear (of anything) then the devil will put on what you fear. Job said: For the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me (Job 3:25).