God is knowledge  


How can you support the Mission Evangelical Bem do Brasil (EZBB)

You can help us in several ways.

Firstly with your prayers

Working in Brazil is working in an area where satan and his demons rule, but our Lord Jesus Christ already gain the battle for us and He already conquered satan and his fallen angles. However our adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour (1 Peter 5:8), therefore prayer is a necessity. The Bible tells in Ephesians 6:10-20 that we shall put on the whole spiritual armour of God in order toresist the powers of darkness.

Secondly by supporting us financially

That is possible in several ways.

By paying to the translation agency for the translations in Filipino, Greek, Bulgarian and/or Hungarian.

By adopting a child, by a single gift, a periodical gift, see gifts.


By adopting a child for 65 Euro/dollar (or less) per month. For this amount you adopt a child in a crèche or from a poor family. The child receives three meals a day in which all necessary vitamins are present. Once a year, we send you a photo of your adopted child and inform you about his/her situation. On his or her birthday, you can send a birthday present. If you like we can advise you about the needs and how to send.
We allow you to visit your adopted child, but remember that Brazilian children and our workers only speak Brazilian Portuguese. Before visiting your child, they appreciate when you first inform them. Then we can, if necessary, inform you about the best way to travel and send you the address.

Thirdly by goods

We need material.

  1. For the children we need clothing (babies and children).
  2. For the crèche we need velvet Bible material (you remember the velvet boards with velvet Bible figures?).

Vacancies with EZBB

We need faithful Christians.

  1. Christian native translators to their mother language.
  2. Christian who knows to design and also can make animations in CorelDraw.
  3. Christian who knows to make 3D animations and games in Maya 2017 or 3D Studio.

For more information, please contact us info@ezbb.org