Daily a new Bible text for devotion - EZBB
Hebrews 5:7

This verse speaks to the prevailing idea of the importance of the suffering that our Lord underwent to qualify Him as the author of our salvation.
WHILE JESUS WAS ON EARTH - When in His humanity He felt weakness and dependence in a very real way, as is evidenced by His habitual life of prayer. And this habit of prayer reached its climax during the struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane when He offered up prayers and supplications.
TO HIM WHO WAS ABLE TO SAVE HIM FROM DEATH - What was this death from which Jesus sought deliverance with such anguish? It is most likely that His soul shrank from the aspects of this death, His identification with sin and loneliness, when the Father hid His face. In some deeply mysterious sense, Jesus must have suffered anguish of soul, one reason being that He who had never known sin was now becoming sin in our place; it would have been very difficult for His holy soul to face such a difficulty with equanimity.
Verse 9 says: By this he was made perfect as a high priest and became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. CHRIST HAS BECOME (LITERALLY) THE ETERNAL AUTHOR OF SALVATION FOR ALL WHO OBEY HIM. For those who stop believing or become disobedient, Christ becomes, on the cross, not a Savior, but a Judge.
- There is no other name, no other person to whom you and I should pray. Jesus is the only high priest who can hear us and give us true salvation.